29 March 2008

Bill Hicks, Come Home...All Is Forgiven

This is an ad for Halodrol Liquigels, some kind of workout supplement. But, really, with an ad like this, who gives a human-growth-hormone-produced shit what it's used for? Pretty clever, possibly controversial...

...DEFINITELY presaged by the late, great Bill Hicks...way back in 1990:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"More Snickers! More Coke!"

I want you to know that the INSTANT I saw the picture of the ad, I knew exactly where you were going with it.

Let the record ALSO show that if we had followed Bill's advice back in 92 and actually CREATED the show "Let's Hunt and Kill Billy Ray Cyrus", that we'd be spared this current crazy Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus lemming craze.