29 March 2008

Bill Hicks, Come Home...All Is Forgiven

This is an ad for Halodrol Liquigels, some kind of workout supplement. But, really, with an ad like this, who gives a human-growth-hormone-produced shit what it's used for? Pretty clever, possibly controversial...

...DEFINITELY presaged by the late, great Bill Hicks...way back in 1990:

19 March 2008

Your California Tax Dollars At Work, Part Two: TEXAS Edition

Sorry to be such a Negative Jones here; this would make it two bummer posts in a row. I'd say I'm in need of a sunnier outlook these days. I really dug Obama's speech (video, scroll down for the full transcript) the other day. Maybe I'll find some sunshine in writing about that at some point in the future.

But, for now, we must settle for this bozo.

The punchline isn't so much that the fucker actually pleaded "not guilty". What's absolutely blindmowing is that the Texas courts spent precious time and tax money TEN SEPARATE TIMES before they finally decided to put this tool away for 60 years. Nine times in front of a judge (and that's just under the DWI column; it's true, oh yes, kids, our boy also had to show cause for assault, forgery, and theft) and the judges still couldn't pull the fuckin' trigger on this guy. That ninth time must've been too close to call.

Alternate post title: "Nine Strikes And, Um, Yer Free To...Go, I Guess?"