If you ever find yourself newly broken up with someone (and I hope that you don't, but if you do...), might I recommend the South Park episode "Raisins" (2003). I'm just out of a relationship, feeling pretty down, and seeing this episode tonight for the first time, I don't quite know where to begin. This episode of South Park was so funny, in so many different ways, I laughed so hard, and what made each laugh just that much better was that every written and delivered word rang as absolutely true. From the great Say Anything/Peter Gabriel joke that I knew was comin' but I howled with laughter anyway to the fucking spot-ON fatalism of the Goth Kids, just hangin' out, preying on a lovesick Stan, itself another Say Anything joke. And, then, there is the great joke that is the Raisins restaurant chain itself - which Cartman won't endorse until he gets to try the food, natch. Much needed and appreciated, Trey and Matt, I was a smilin' mofo by the time this one was over. Quoth the Goth Kids:
"If you want to be one of the non-conformists, all you have to do is dress just like us and listen to the same music we do..."
Yeah, man. Yeah.